Pre-run Snack: The Gluten/ Dairy Free Version:

Posted by kari on Wed, Sep 23, 2020

The best thing to eat before a distance race is a deeply personal subject. You should practice with your choice before your long runs in training, just like you test drive your race day clothes. I hear a lot of people who love the bagel/ nut butter/ honey combo. I tried a gluten free version before a long run and felt gross. I have no idea what a gluten bagel tastes like, but gluten free options seemed too heavy before a run. I tried quite a few other foods before I found my favorite: Canyon Bakehouse brand Cinnamon-Raisin bread and almond butter. 

Canyon Bakehouse Cinnamon-Raisin bread is free from gluten, dairy, soy and nuts. The texture is extra soft, and I think that works good as a pre-run food for me. I enjoy most of their breads, and the 7 grain version is my go to bread for normal food (but it did not pass the pre-run test). It makes me happy to think that the cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory food, but honestly it’s just tasty.

I usually buy this bread at my local Giant or Sprouts grocery stores. I’ve also found it at Whole Foods and on Amazon Fresh. I’ve seen it in stores both frozen and at room temperature. At home, I store it in the fridge. I often keep an extra loaf in the freezer.

I think this bread travels really well. When I’ve traveled to run a race I’ve taken a couple slices of this bread packaged in aluminum foil, and it’s still perfect on race morning.

What is your favorite pre-race food?