Handheld vs. vest, or both?

Posted by kari on Fri, Sep 4, 2020

I have runner friends who swear by the handheld water bottle, and I have friends who will only use a hydration vest. I have room in my heart for both. As you know, I love my Nathan VaporHowe race vest (a lot). I also love my Nathan Speed Draw Plus.

I prefer the handheld water option when I’m going on a shorter run, when I’m travelling, and for a couple race day scenarios. The version of the handheld that I use maxes out at 18 ounces. For me, and my local swamp weather patterns, that is enough water to get me through an hour or so of running. If I’m going farther I opt for the vest. For some speed work days I pick the vest so that I can use my arms. For some shorter speed work days I’m more likely to pick the handheld so that there’s no weight on my back. At the track I always pick the handheld, and set it down during fast sections.

I really like the strap on this particular handheld, because I really don’t have to hold onto it. One very helpful Amazon reviewer pointed out that not all color versions have the same zipper configuration. The ones with more squared off corners accommodate my Pixel phone. When I’m traveling I run with my every day phone (instead of my running phone), so it’s great to be sure I’ll have a way to carry it. I have no sense of direction, and I have definitely been on a run and had to consult a map to find my way back to a hotel. I also keep a few dollars in the pocket. That has also saved me on a run, when the only bathroom I could find was “for customers only.”

My dog likes it too!

Last winter I trained for a local marathon. I thought the race didn’t have enough water stations, so I planned to run with this handheld. My plan was to refill it with water along the way. I ran several long runs with this handheld, alternating it between hands every mile. When the race was cancelled because of the pandemic, I decided to run it solo. My husband (Best Husband Ever) offered to crew for me and give me water refills. To simplify the logistics, I ordered a spare handheld. At our planned water stops, BHE handed me a full water flask, and I handed him the empty one, which worked out great. During that “race” I used Gu for calories and salt tablets for electrolytes. It didn’t occur to me in advance that without an organized race there wouldn’t be a ton of garbage cans. I stuffed the empty Gu packets into the zipper pocket of the handheld. They cleaned up just fine! I also discovered the next day that I also got an arm workout. Enough said.

Prices are a bit unpredictable for this item. On the Nathan website it’s $37 plus shipping (unless you spend over $50). They offer a discount for first responders and military members. Road Runner Sports has the same price, but if you’re a member you could save 10% and get 10% back. Amazon has a range of prices depending on the color scheme (currently the best is $34.95). REI has them on sale right now for $28 (you can also use an additional coupon) and you would get 10% back if you’re a member.